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Why Should You Upgrade Your Electrical Panel After Remodeling Your Home?

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Homeowners are choosing to renovate their homes or build additions to meet changing lifestyles and avoid the cost of purchasing a new home. According to an article published by National Mortgage Professional, Los Angeles County, California, spends $8.4 billion on remodeling projects each year, leading the nation in remodeling expenditures. The results can mean more outlets, more lights, and more appliances. Each of these items needs room on your electrical panel. But if your home is older, your electrical panel might not be up for the job.

In this blog, we’ll discuss why upgrading your electrical panel after a remodel is a good idea and the benefits of doing so.

What Does Your Electrical Panel Do?

An electrical panel connects the main power line to your home and distributes the electrical currents inside your electrical system. You can also find all the breakers inside your electrical panel, so if the system is overloaded, a breaker will flip, shutting off power to that area of the house.

After remodeling or building an addition to your home, the demand on your electrical panel will increase, causing an old panel to work less efficiently. If your electrical panel is old and showing signs of wear, it might be the perfect time to upgrade as part of your home remodel.

Reasons to Upgrade Your Home’s Electrical Panel

Your Los Angeles residential electrician can assist you in determining if your electrical panel needs to be upgraded. They will learn more about your remodel and how the electricity demand will increase. Then your residential electrician will look at several factors, as mentioned below.

  1. Your electrical panel has never been replaced and is original to your home. The average lifespan of an electrical panel is around 25 years. If your panel fits this description, you are due for an upgrade. An experienced residential electrician in Los Angeles can evaluate your home’s electrical system and identify any signs of wear.
  2. Often, you will not pass an electrical inspection for a remodeling job or home addition if the existing electrical panel cannot meet the new energy demands of the home remodel or addition. A good residential electrician in Los Angeles will be able to assess your energy needs and advise you on code requirements and the best electrical panel to upgrade to.
  3. Are you experiencing circuit breakers tripping more often or noticing flickering lights in the house? If so, you may need to upgrade your electrical panel to increase the number of breakers available and help distribute the electricity more efficiently throughout your home. If you notice a burning smell, it indicates that your electrical panel requires an upgrade. It is best to call a Los Angeles residential electrician immediately to avoid a potential electrical fire.

It is also vital to note that upgrading your electrical panel as part of your remodel can help to save you money since the work can be done while your walls are already open. Your residential electrician can address any wiring issues at the same time.

The Benefits of an Upgrade to Your Electrical Panel

Your efforts to improve your home through a remodel likely have positively impacted the value and been designed around how you work and live in your home. However, older electrical panels are not made to handle the increased demand from people working at home and the amount of technology that needs to be charged regularly. Charging more than one item on the same outlet with an older electrical panel can be unsafe.

Additionally, if you upgraded your lighting and appliances, you might need to upgrade your electrical panel to ensure the power is evenly distributed. Otherwise, you could find yourself with an increased electrical bill.

Finally, electrical fires account for 13% of home structural fires, and the cause is often electrical malfunctions. An older electrical panel is more susceptible to a malfunction, especially if it is not made to handle the power demands of your household.

Signal Alarm Professionals Can Assist You with All of Your Electrical Needs

Suppose you’ve recently remodeled or added square footage to your home in Los Angeles. In that case, having a residential electrician inspect and assess your electrical panel and advise you of your upgrade options is a good idea. Upgrading your electrical panel will keep your family and home safe by minimizing the chances of an electrical fire and ensuring your home can handle your electrical needs safely.

Signal Alarms and Electric is an electrical contractor in Southern California providing full-capacity electrical contracting services for new construction, renovations, tenant improvements, service upgrades, exterior, interior, and landscape lighting, retrofits, and service installations in the Southern California/Los Angeles County area.