Electrician in Los Angeles

How to approach emergency technicians during COVID-19 and what questions to ask

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With the ongoing social distancing and other protective measure in place throughout California during the COVID-19 pandemic, there are changes that are in place regarding how you approach individuals who might need to do essential work on your home. This essential work could include emergency technicians, like your electrician in Los Angeles.

Here are some suggestions for how to approach emergency technicians during COVID-19 and what questions to ask them.

Is It An Emergency?

The first question you need to ask is whether it is a true emergency. If the issue is not going to impact the health and well-being of you or your family, then it may be worth waiting to address until after the restrictions are lifted. However, if it is critical, then you need to be sure to protect both yourself and the technician. One of the ways you can do that is by understanding how the virus spreads and taking steps to limit exposure.

The first part of that protection starts by sharing information and then following through on safety guidelines during the appointment.

Follow CDC Guidelines

One of the first things to remember is that the emergency technician, such as an electrician in Los Angeles, is coming to do work in your home or around it. They will be following CDC guidelines. Keep social distancing rules in place, which include maintaining six feet of distance between you and your family and the technician. Additionally, they are going to have protective gear, but to avoid cross contamination, you need to sanitize any surface they touch, including doorknobs and countertops.

Questions You May Be Asked

Before a technician will come to your home, they are going to ask a few critical questions. Those may include:

  • Have you or anyone in your home been diagnosed with COVID-19?
  • Have you or anyone in your home been advised to self-isolate?
  • Is anyone in your home considered high risk, i.e. over 70, with underlying health conditions?

Once your emergency appointment is made, you may receive another call from the emergency technician, asking those same questions again to determine if your situation may have changed. If they do come to your home, they will wear protective equipment, wash their hands, and may ask for verbal confirmation instead of having you sign anything. They will also require you to follow the six feet social distancing rule.

How We Are Protecting You

Our team is determined to provide for all your electrical and home security needs, but we want to operate in a way that slows the virus spread during the COVID-19 pandemic. With that in mind, we also do not allow employees who are sick to interact with customers. Our goal is to reduce transmission among employees by encouraging them to stay home. We are also regularly disinfecting and sanitizing our equipment.

If you are dealing with an emergency technician, be it for a health emergency or for an emergency around your home, it is important to be honest if there is anyone vulnerable or sick in your home and only schedule appointments for emergencies. If you have regular service or maintenance appointments, it is important to reschedule those for a later date.

Our team is available to answer any questions that you may have, so please contact us. We can help you determine whether an electrician will need to come to your home and the work that may need to be completed.

Signal Alarms and Electric is an electrical contractor in Southern California providing full capacity electrical contracting services for new construction, renovations, tenant improvements, service upgrades, exterior, interior and landscape lighting, retrofits and service installations in the Southern California/Los Angeles County area.