The 5 Most Common Home Electrical Hazards You Must Avoid

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During 2017, 3.82 trillion kilowatts of electricity surged through American households. It takes less than 1 Amp to electrocute someone.

There is no doubt that electricity is dangerous. Safeguard your family by eliminating these common household electrical hazards.

  1. Defective Wires or Faulty Wiring

Out of sight is only out of mind until something goes wrong. The electrical wiring in your house poses an enormous risk if it is not functioning at 100%.

These are the warning signs that your house wiring needs an upgrade.

Call an electrician immediately if you notice any of these symptoms.

  1. Wiring and Water Never Mix

On its own water cannot conduct electricity but it contains minerals and salts that turn it into an electrical hazard.

Do not operate electrical appliances close to sources of water. These appliances include mobile phones and radios. Make sure your hands are dry when you reach for the hairdryer.

If an electrical appliance or outlet comes into contact with water, do not unplug it. Turn off the power at the electrical panel box before you unplug the appliance.

In the event of an electrical fire, use an approved fire extinguisher to put it out. Throwing water on an electrical fire adds fuel to the flames.

  1. Unsafe Appliances

If your toaster starts to smoke or your dishwasher trips the lights while in use, it is time to replace them. Turn the power off at your electrical panel before unplugging these faulty devices.

Malfunctioning appliances can also be a sign of a fault in your home electrical panel. If your power still trips when you unplug the offending items, an electrician will get to the source of the problem.

  1. Light Bulbs Can Be Electrical Hazards

Light bulbs are the most common electrical devices in our homes, and they can also pose a safety risk. This risk is especially present when the wattage of the light bulb generates more heat than its fixture can sustain.

High temperatures can melt the wire insulation and plastic on the fixture. Exposed wires cause arcing, which puts you at risk of fire or shock.

Check your light bulbs and their fittings for wattage recommendations. When in doubt, use a 60-watt bulb.

  1. Extension Cords

Another one of most common hazards at home are extension cords. Only use extension cords for their intended purpose. Do not use indoor extension cords outside and vice versa.

Adding adapter after adapter to an extension cord is dangerous and running an extension cord under a rug, or another surface is a fire risk.

If you need more outlets in your home, contact an electrical contractor for advice and options. Do not try to install them yourself.

Important Safety Tips

Children can be walking electrical hazards. Cover any electrical outlets that are within reach of babies’ and toddlers’ prying fingers. Keep your family safe by educating your children about the dangers of electricity as early as possible.

Never attempt to repair any electrical fault yourself. Always enlist the services of a certified contractor to appraise and repair electrical problems.

Your life could depend on it.

Signal Alarms and Electric is an electrical contractor in Southern California providing full capacity electrical contracting services for new construction, renovations, tenant improvements, service upgrades, exterior, interior and landscape lighting, retrofits and service installations in the Southern California/Los Angeles County area.