Electrician at work

A Residential Electrician’s Advice on Electrical Safety

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Our homes are our haven.  It is our refuge after a long day at work, an exhilarating day at school,
or just simply a sanctuary to feel comfortable, secured and protected.  So as much as possible, we want perfect living conditions to settle permanently in our abode.

To achieve a convenient-filled life, we also fill our homes with home appliances that spell comfort for us.   However, these modern appliances are potential harbingers of hazards if installed and used incorrectly.  Manuals and warranties are made to make us aware of the appliance but not all of us have the time to read the fine prints.  It is highly suggested to acquire the expertise of Los Angeles Electrical Contractor to guide you with your home’s electrical needs. A quick guide from a residential electrician will also be helpful.

Here is a quick run-down on how to avoid electrical problems in your home.

  • Regularly clean appliances from residues that build up from within which later on can ignite a fire. Home appliances like ovens, hot plates, ignition range can accumulate fats and spilt foods.  Dust the lint from electric motors of exhaust fans.  It is best to have a record of service dates of defective appliances to ensure that these are still safe to use.
  • Inspect the cords of the appliances, a physical defect in the cord will tell you that it needs replacement to prevent further damage and accidents. Frayed or tattered cord exposes the live wire which can cause electrical shock, or worse, electrocution.  A cracked or broken power point switch needs replacement and a licensed residential electrician Los Angeles is your best point person.
  • Observe proper circuit load to prevent short circuits or overloaded circuits. The circuit breakers are designed to limit the power going through the electric system, so if you exceed the power limit in one circuit, there is a bigger chance of overloading the fuses. Always remember that extension cord only serves as a temporary replacement of power outlet.  Extensive usage can bring potential electric hazard.  A tangled extension cord can cause trip hazards while a constantly exposed cord frays it.
  • As a rule of thumb, all electrical appliances should be placed away from the water since water is an excellent electricity conductor. Therefore, in a case of electrical fire, a multi-purpose extinguisher should be used instead of water to prevent further damage.


Today is not too late for you to have your home’s electric system evaluated, contact an expert Los Angeles Electrical Contractor to gain peace of mind when it comes to your home safety.